yoga with Purpose

All Classes are kept small to accomodate the INDIVIDUAL needs of students

In recommending Yoga practices, teachers should always consider an individual's particular circumstances. Just as other activities and practices changes in one's life, such as aging, so too Yoga practices need to be adapted as the practitioner changes.

Tirumalai Krishnamacharya

early Morning Class

"Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." Buddha

Are you looking to start your day with  purpose and direction. 

This one hour class links body, breath and mind through asana and simple breath techniques, often accompanied with chant to focus the mind. 

Depending on the season and the students who are keen enough to get up early, these classes are tailored to suit the circumstances that are  current to the time..

If you are looking to start your day with a focused mind…atha”…and would like to be ready to receive what is coming into your day or week this might just be the class for you.

7am Tuesdays

Classes are small…you will need to book if you are keen. 

Meditative Practice.

Meditation is not separate from Yoga...It is the goal of yoga

In each session we start from where you are at, working together to begin to quieten the mind for meditation. 

This is a step by step approach that  utilises the tools of yoga to link body, breath and mind to build one’s capacity to hold the experience of meditation.

When the body is steady and at ease and the breath is long and smooth and with a mind that is engaged and attentive we are then able to move into the internal process of yoga which is called samyama. 

Dharana – single point of concentration; where we concentrate on our chosen object and close off external distractions

Dhyanam – meditation; connection/communication is  solely between self and object

Samadhi – union with the object of your meditation; there is no separation between the observed and the observer, the self no longer seems to exist.

Ref: TKV Desikachar; The Heart of Yoga 

Y.S. 1:2 yogah citta vritti  nirodhah

 “Yoga is the ability to direct the mind exclusively towards an object and sustain that direction without any distractions” TKV Desikachar

Aging Well with Yoga

‘“If you can breath you can do yoga” T Krishnamacharya

Improving our sense of wellness is a high priority in these classes. Here we learn how to be in touch with our ability for good movement, the type of movement that has capacity to grow and improve.
With a steady, guided practice we can achieve many things. Bendy and stretchy isn’t what Yoga is about. Yoga teaches us to grow in confidence and begin to trust our self again. 

Chair based yoga along with simple yoga strategies has much to offer us in improving our relationship with movement and gaining confidence in our body.
When a practice is designed appropriately for your capacity and age, positive change is possible.

We start at your place of comfort and gradually move towards improving your sense of health & wellbeing in a way that works for you

“The success of Yoga must not be measured by how flexible your body becomes, but rather by how it opens your heart.” TKV Desikachar.

Monday 11am – 12noon 


Gentle Yoga for Strength and balance

Mobility, strength and balance are some of the qualities that we aim to cultivate in classes aimed for the more mature age group.

Starting at your place of comfort we gradually move towards improving your sense of health & wellbeing in a way that works for you.

You do not need to be young, bendy and stretchy to practice yoga.

Sri Krisnamacharya would say “if you can breathe you can do Yoga”.

There is no need to be able to twist yourself into difficult poses or practice complicated breath work to be able to receive the benefits from a yoga practice especially when it is designed appropriately for your capacity and age.

If you are wanting to feel stronger, quieten your mind and find a greater sense of balance then this might be the class for you  

Monday 6 – 7.15pm 

Contact Radha for more information 

We Start Our Practice Where We Are And Look Towards A Certain Goal. Then We Choose The Steps That Will Lead Us Towards Realising That Goal And Will Gradually Bring Us Back To Everyday Life, But Our Daily Practice Does Not Return Us To The Exact Same Place We Started. The Practice Has Changed Us. ​

TKV Desikachar