The success of Yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships
TKV Desikachar

Benefits of Yoga
yoga Services
Sessions are designed to link body, breath and mind, one that integrates the elements of yoga into a mindful movement practice.
yoga therapy for the individual
The process of empowering individuals to progress towards improved health & wellbeing. It is a holistic & personalised approach to wellness that integrates body, breath, mind and spirit through the therapeutic application of the teachings and practices of Yoga. In this process a student is assessed and given a home practice that is tailored & relevant for their needs
Yoga with purpose group Sessions
Ongoing small weekly classes created with the intention to build awareness of body, breath and mind. These classes may be taken in a continuous 4 week block or on a casual attendance basis depending on the availability of places.
Yoga therapy focus sessions
Classes are an ongoing series in a 4, 6 or 8 week block of classes. Each series of sessions focus on targeted health concerns such as stress, back care, increased mobility, post illness recovery and more.
These sessions are accompanied by a pre consultation to develop a home practice that will enhance the weekly classes.
workshops & events
Each workshop or workshop series combines education & practice in an experiential small group environment.
Words from the heart

Aging Well
Aging well comes in many forms. When we choose to be an active participant in how we see our self and our health there is an opportunity to create a new relationship with our health and well-being

We live in a frenzied world
“We live in a frenzied world in which most of us think if we’re not doing something, even watching TV, we’re wasting time. We get so caught up in our

It’s All About Perception
YS 4:15 vastu-sāmye citta-bhedāt tayoḥ vibhaktaḥ panthāḥ
“The characteristics of an object appear differently, depending upon the different mental states of the observer”.
TKV Desikachar
we start our practice where we are and look toward a certain goal. then we choose the steps that will lead us toward realising that goal and will gradually bring us back to everyday life, but our daily practice does not return us to the exact same place we started. the practice has changed us
TKV Desikachar
From the students