yoga therapy focus sessions


This is a unique way to receive the full benefits of a targeted yoga practice.
Classes are prepared with holistic intention and delivered as a series of group classes that is accompanied by an individually tailored home practice aimed to enhance the benefits of the weekly sessions 

...It Is Indeed True That By Practicing Yoga We Improve Our Ability To Concentrate And To Be Independent. We Improve Our Health, Relationships, And Everything We Do. TKV Desikachar

TKV Desikachar

Yoga for support & recovery

Post infections such as Covid -19 and recovery from illness can sometimes leave us with shortness of breath, ongoing fatigue and a feeling of anxiousness. 
These Yoga based focus sessions are a gentle start back to managing the ongoing symptoms of past illness and a positive way forward to improving your health and wellness.
Sessions are designed to build awareness of your breath and to improve its capacity, reduce stress and build confidence in your self.

Session include

An initial 1hr, one-on-one consultation to prepare a simple, personalised home practice which is designed to address your specific needs and to also enhance the effect of the weekly group sessions. 
4 weekly sessions 

This program is designed to manage ongoing mild to moderate symptoms.  
If you are interested and have concerns please discuss your options with your Doctor.

Dates & Times:

Tuesday 6 – 7.15pm. 
November 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th 

Yoga to ease back pain.

“Yoga teaches us to listen to our is by coming to understand our body and it’s capacity that allows us to move more into wellness.” Radha

Yoga has been found to be benifical in relieving back pain. 

In each of these weekly session the tools of yoga are modified to meet the presenting needs of individual students.within a group setting. 

We begin at your unique starting place and work together in a step by step approach to progress towards a goal of health & wholeness. We explore capacity of movement and introduce the practices of yoga to pacify symptoms and increase strength which over time improves one’s trust in the body and your sense of wellness. 

If you would like to be an active participant in changing your relationship with your pain and wish to work within a small group environment this may be the class for you.

This series encompasses a personalised home practice relevant to your presenting symptoms and capacity as well as a 4 or 6 week series of group sessions. 

Register your interest if you are keen to explore how Yoga Therapy can be beneficial to relieve the symptoms of back discomfort. 

YS 1:14 It is only when the correct practice is followed for a long time, without Interruptions and with a Quality of positive attitude and eagerness, that it Can succeed.

TKV Desikachar